There is no place like Struga
There is no place like Struga
Struga is placed on the south-west of Republic of Macedonia, near Ohrid, on the coast of Ohrid Lake and the river Crn Drim. In ancient time the city was known as Enchalon, which in ancient Greek means eel (fishing eels in Drim river was very popular in Struga up until recently). It has been known since the time of Iliris and many of the old writers of traveling guides have noted that Struga was a very vivid city with developed trade, great markets and the houses of the wealthy citizens were always beautiful decorated.That is why the well-known saying: ,,There is no place like Struga’’. This is the birthplace of brothers Konstantin and Dimitar Miladinov, famous Macedonian poets and reformers from the XIX century.
Since 1961 Struga is a host of the internationally known festival of poetry known as ,, Struga Poetry Evenings ‘’. The Struga Poetry Evenings and the ,,traveling of the eel’’ are the two main world attractions that Struga’s inhabitants are proud of.

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