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Archeological Sites

Archeological Sites


The old city of Stobi “…Stobis, vetus urbs…”, as the Roman historian Livy named it, was the largest city in the northern part of the Roman province Macedonia, later capital city of the Roman province Macedonia Secunda, an important urban, military, administrative, trade and religious center of two large empires: Roman and Early Byzantine. One of the most significant events in the history of Stobi is the appearance of Christianity. The name of the first bishop Budius is noted at the first ecumenical council in Nicaea in 325 AD. The Old Episcopal Basilica in Stobi was built in the 4th century and it is considered to be the oldest Christian church in R. Macedonia. In 388 AD the emperor Theodosius I visited Stobi from where he published two edicts which banned the heretic gatherings and the public discussions about religion


Heraclea Lyncestis is an ancient town founded by Philip II of Macedon, during the middle of the 4th century BC. Philip II, a member of the Argead dynasty and later most commonly known as the father of Alexander the Great, gave this town its name after the Greek mythological hero Heracles (Hercules). Then he added “Lunkestis” which represents the land of the lynx.The lynx is a Macedonian wild cat that was quite prevalent during this period.The Roman Amphitheater, on the other hand, draws its magnificence from sheer size as opposed to detail,found on a hill, in the center of the town, it was one of the many buildings constructed during the second century, when a number of restoration campaigns were initiated by the Romans.


The Skopje Aqueduct is the only aqueduct in Macedonia, and one of three largest and well preserved in the former Yugoslavia along with Diocletianus Aqueduct near Split, Croatia and Bar Aqueduct in Montenegro.


The megalithic observatory in Kokino is listed among the ancient observatories in the world. In 2005, the American space agency NASA included Kokino on the map of 15 ancient observatories along with Abu Simbel in Egypt, Stonehenge in Great Britain, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Machu Picchu in Peru.


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