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The capital of Macedonia is the city of Skopje. It is the largest city in the country and at the same time it represents an administrative-political, economic, cultural and educational-scientific centre. The city of Skopje was called Skopia, and the Slavs also referred to it as Skopie, Skopje or Skoplje. In 1962 due to heavy rains, the river Vardar flooded Skopje. The flood was an indication of the largest earthquake the city experienced. On July 26, 1963, at 5:17 am, the city was devastated by an earthquake measuring 6.1 according to the Richter seismic scale. Due to the earthquake, 1,070 people have lost their lives, 90% of the city buildings have been demolished, and over 20,000 people have been left homeless. After the earthquake, the city began to be built on a model of the designs of Kenzo Tange and Adolf Ciborovski. The old railway station, today is a museum of the city of Skopje and a symbol of the great earthquake. The clock of the station has forever stopped at the fatal 05.17 hrs. in the morning.

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